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Ideal combination - CASAFLEX and PREMANT pipes for the municipality of Bürglen

In the popular sports and recreation centre in Bürglen, a reliable and robust local heating pipeline from BRUGG Pipes was laid for Klausenstrasse for the local community. Our perfectly matched CASAFLEX and PREMANT pipes were used in this project to provide residents with a reliable supply of sustainable energy in the future.


Construction work began in March 2023 and lasted until July 2023. The aim was to lay a local heating pipeline for the school building and the surrounding residential buildings. The flexible CASAFLEX and the rigid PREMANT pipe system were used in several construction stages. In total, the fitters installed a route length of 400 metres during this construction phase. Approx. 1,700 metres are planned for the final expansion. 

Important steps in this project included parking the lorry with the material, pulling and aligning the pipe in the trench and fitting the couplings. Our resistant PREMANT pipes were used for the transport line and the flexible CASAFLEX pipes were used for the house connections. A considerable challenge in the project was laying the pipeline from the power station up the steep mountainside to the main road. Despite the demanding gradient on site, our fitters mastered the individual construction stages with aplomb.  

CASAFLEX pipe is extremely flexible and easy to lay. Thanks to its corrugated outer sheath, it easily realises tight bending radii and efficiently avoids obstacles. The rigid PREMANT long-distance pipe can transport not only heating water but also domestic hot water, condensate and chemical products over long distances. Together, the two pipe systems form the ideal combination for a more sustainable energy supply for the municipality.